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days since VALVe began "fixing" the game line soldier
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Valve Software is one of the greatest gaming companies of all time, yet at times it seems that they couldn't be less bothered to keep a game they actively profit from in a playable state.

For the past 5+ years, Team Fortress 2 has been the victim of bots that join servers to spam extreme hate speech, use aim-bot to headshot anyone in sight, and even kick real players!

This has gone on long enough.
Let's make them save & fix Team Fortress 2!

New to Team Fortress?

Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is a gem of a game released in the good old days of 2007, it features 9 unique mercenaries with tens of thousands of possible weapon loadouts for each of them!

It popularised hero shooters and free-to-play, while also inventing the Payload mode, emotes and cartoony artstyle seen in many games like Fortnite! (and lootboxes... not too proud of that one!)

Without Team Fortress 2, games such as Overwatch and Valorant would likely never have existed!

The Bot Crisis

While Mann vs Machine (TF2's PvE mode) has you facing against robots, some malicious players decided they'd like to abuse their coding "skills" to ruin the game for thousands of players!

How bad is it? Well, it's been estimated that over 50% of all players reported on Steam are actually just bots of some kind!

The Not-So-Anti Cheat

Team Fortress 2's anti-cheat is incompetent at best.

When the enemy sniper is staring at the sky while spinning rapidly, firing headshots every time you walk outside your spawn... let's just say something's not entirely right.

As it stands right now, the game is downright unplayable at times, and we want it fixed.

Deja Vu, anyone?

You might've noticed we already ran a campaign like this back in 2022, weren't we all so young and innocent back then?

This campaign is the second of it's kind, because despite Valve saying they'd work to fix the issue, little to nothing was done and the bots are worse than ever. Watch the video below for info on why we're doing this again.

Let's Fix TF2, TOGETHER!

We’re running the #FixTF2 and #SaveTF2 campaigns on Twitter and all the other fancy platforms you’re probably addicted to!

Let Valve know we want those bots smashed, whether you’re a creator, artist or shitposter: let them hear your voice!


site made with immense love by noah (most of the design) and nullptr (3d header + this footer !!) <3